"Building & Protecting Brands Through Entertainment Marketing"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Product Placement Longevity: Traditional Media Doesn't Compare! By Ian McQueen

For a one time fee, how would you like to advertise your brand for life? Trick question? Not at all! This is an absolute fact when it comes to product placement and brand integration in Hollywood properties.

From Netflix to Hulu to On Demand to home entertainment distribution via DVD and Blu-Ray, today's society has unlimited access to a wide variety of content. I noticed recently that The Cosby Show was added to my Netflix TV show selections. This classic NBC sitcom not only lives on in worldwide syndication in over 100 countries and on DVD, now it can be streamed instantly via Netflix. The relevancy here is that ALL of the product placements on The Cosby Show are still in tact, so the brands are continuing to receive incremental consumer impressions 20 years later! Another example of this is the legendary sitcom Seinfeld, which is also currently in syndication (Netflix, I'm waiting...). When I was approached by the production crew for product placement during season one (not really a season, 4 episodes were filmed and they were on the brink of cancellation), a deal was negotiated for Apple's then Mac SE desktop computer and a Klein bicycle for Jerry's apartment. Although Jerry never rode the bike or used his computer, they are still two of the most famous Seinfeld placements as they appear in almost every episode (The SE was updated to a Power Mac and then to the 20th Anniversary Edition-green Klein bike remained the same throughout the series).

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The point in, once your brand is integrated into a film or television show, it is there for life. Sure, the Mac SE is a dinosaur today with the iPad blazing new trails, but the overall consumer branding from the original product placement on the show is priceless. So how do you think traditional media measures up now?!

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