"Building & Protecting Brands Through Entertainment Marketing"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Does Netflix, Hulu And Similar Services Benefit Product Placement Marketing? By Ian McQueen

With over 23 million subscribers, Netflix recently surpassed cable giant Comcast and has more subscribers than any other cable company in America. Hulu recently announced a similar paid service, and Amazon has joined the party as well. Oh yeah, those Apple guys have something pretty big going on too! So what does this have to do with product placement marketing?!

With consumer shifting away from cable and satellite providers for these less expensive models, product placement and brand integration ensures the millions of viewers weekly using alternative programming
do not inhibit a company's ability to reach its target audience. Let's face it, the TiVo/DVR movement already had people fast forwarding commercials, unless of course they are watching the Super Bowl. Once a product is placed in an entertainment property, it's there for life. With consumers having a multitude of ways to acquire and view content, product placement and brand integration garners tremendous incremental impressions because of this. A TV show does not have to make it into syndication (usually 100 + episodes) anymore for it to receive significant consumer sampling. Even if a movie bombs at the box office and through home entertainment release, it still lives on with Netflix type services.

Companies have the opportunity to use product placement and brand integration to connect with key target audiences at an emotional level, blending the credibility of earned media with advertising-like control over brand associations. The shift is on, smart brands should join the entertainment marketing party sooner rather than later!

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