The first notable tablet placement was Apple's iPad on Modern Family-before it became available for consumer purchase. FOX's hit series 24 was still in production and crew members began tweeting about using the iPad on the show during the final season. So with Samsung, Lenovo, Asus and others storming the tablet marketplace, will we be seeing more tablets in starring roles than laptops?
Copyright ABC Studios, All Rights Reserved
Hollywood productions are definitely ramping up their requests for tablets for use in movies, television shows and music video productions. But we are a long way away from tablets replacing laptops. First of all, computer playback technicians (those are the folks in charge of the graphics you on camera) still love the power laptops provide for behind the scenes use. Also, there are a lot of "old school" directors around who are not ready to make the tablet switch. The Dell's, HP's and Acer's of the world all still very much want to see their laptops in the hands of top Hollywood talent (Samsung and Apple too, but they are the leaders in the tablet market). From a reality standpoint (real life, not those scripted reality series), laptops are still a big part of our everday lives, so that also factors in when making movies and TV shows.
What's the bottom line? Tablets will continue to carve out screen time, but they won't replace laptops anytime soon.
Copyright ABC Studios, All Rights Reserved
Hollywood productions are definitely ramping up their requests for tablets for use in movies, television shows and music video productions. But we are a long way away from tablets replacing laptops. First of all, computer playback technicians (those are the folks in charge of the graphics you on camera) still love the power laptops provide for behind the scenes use. Also, there are a lot of "old school" directors around who are not ready to make the tablet switch. The Dell's, HP's and Acer's of the world all still very much want to see their laptops in the hands of top Hollywood talent (Samsung and Apple too, but they are the leaders in the tablet market). From a reality standpoint (real life, not those scripted reality series), laptops are still a big part of our everday lives, so that also factors in when making movies and TV shows.
What's the bottom line? Tablets will continue to carve out screen time, but they won't replace laptops anytime soon.
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