"Building & Protecting Brands Through Entertainment Marketing"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ashton Kutcher's Branded Laptop On Two And A Half Men, Accident Or Intentional? By Ian McQueen

So we are expected to believe that CBS executives somehow missed the HUGE stickers on the laptop Ashton Kutcher was using on the 2nd episode of season 9 on Two and Half Men. Foursquare, The Hipp Munk, GroupMe and Cheff were all visible in the scene. CBS claims they did not know about the laptop until it was too late? Really?!?!

Copyright CBS Television, All Rights Reserved

Was that the best they could come up with? See, having been around Hollywood for a little bit, I happen to know for a fact that network executives are a big part of the process when it comes to the finalizing episodes. Believe me when I say they saw the episode early enough to make the revisions (edit out the logos) if they wanted to. So what gives?

Having not been on the set or privy to any of the actual conversations or discussions surrounding the brand integration of the laptop, my guess is it came down to star power. Many years ago (1987 to be accurate) I was working on the then NBC hit series Family Ties. The show was in its final season, and brands were lining up to get their products in the hands of Alex P. Keaton (that's Michael J. Fox for those of you too young to know). Uniden had just come out with a cell phone (could of qualified as a boat anchor the way phones were back in the day) and desperately wanted to have the phone appear on Family Ties. After discussing with the show's Propmaster and Producers, we were told that the only way it was going to happen is if Mr. Fox approved the deal. So we went directly to him and cut a deal. After we finalized things, he went to the show's Executive Producer and said (and I quote): "This phone, it's in the shot." End of discussion. Yes, the phone indeed did make the final cut, in the hands of Alex P. Keaton.

Now, I'm not saying that's what happened on Two and a Half Men... And I'm not saying it didn't! What I'm saying is that CBS knew about the the integration and had enough time to greek the logos in post. Why didn't they do it? I'm guessing Mr. Kutcher had a say in the final decision. 

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