"Building & Protecting Brands Through Entertainment Marketing"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do Consumers Benefit From Product Placement? By Ian McQueen

Studios get cash, free products and millions of dollars in advertising support via co-branded marketing programs. Brands receive millions of consumer impressions, implied celebrity endorsement and incremental sales. So what about consumers, the key to successful product placement marketing?!

Well, it depends on how you look at it. One could say that consumers are inundated with brands trying to peddle their products via movies and television productions. We've all watched programs and had the reaction "They must of paid a lot of money for that exposure." How about those silly promotions at fast food restaurants where they give away toys that don't really work?

On the other hand, you could make a case that consumers are being introduced to the "latest and greatest" products. Instead of an advertising spot where you know you are being sold, these products are being introduced to consumers organically in real like situations via Hollywood productions and celebrities. Not to mention free product samples, Hollywood premieres and fantastic sweepstakes prizes such as exoctic vacation trips.  Do you remember the generic labels (beer, soda, water, etc.) we used to have to look at on TV?!

The reality is, Hollywood productions should include real life brands. Whether I'm walking through my own house, driving down the street or perusing the mall, one thing that remains consistent is my interaction with a variety of products on a daily basis. I'm typing this blog on my Dell laptop which is connected to my wireless Linksys router. If I go to the mall to purchase some jeans from the Kenneth Cole store, I may stop at Jamba Juice for a smoothie (not to mention all the billboards and bus ads I'll see on the way to the mall). The bottom line? Consumers definitely win when it comes to product placement marketing, along with Hollywood studios and Corporate America. 

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